Initial complaint
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the services provided by Renaissance Resources Ltd, you should initially contact us by phone or in person. We hope that most complaints can be settled quickly and as close to the source of the problem as possible.
If you are not satisfied
If you are dissatisfied with the initial response, you should write to us. You will receive an acknowledgment within 3 working days and a full response within 10 working days. Your complaint will be investigated personally by the Managing Director. Similarly, we would like to hear from you if you have any suggestions as to how we can improve our service or are pleased with the service provided.
Recording and Monitoring Complaints
All complaints will be recorded and kept on file, including those which are resolved without being put in writing. We use a complaints monitoring form to do this. All complaints are treated in strict confidence.
Publicising the Procedure
We undertake to ensure that information is available to clearly explain the procedure for making a complaint.
Renaissance staff are given this complaints policy as part of their induction pack. The procedure is reviewed annually.
Renaissance Resources Ltd
January 2020