We made our second gender gap return on a voluntary basis in April 2019. The report (viewable on the Gov.uk website at https://gender-pay-gap.service.gov.uk/) states as follows:

Gender pay gap report
Voluntary Report

Snapshot date – 5 April 2019
Employer size – Less than 250 employees
Person responsible – Martin Richards (Director)

Hourly wages pay gap

In this organisation, women earn £1 for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly wages. Their median hourly wage is 0% lower than men’s.
When comparing mean hourly wages, women’s mean hourly wage is 1.4% lower than men’s.

Proportion of women in each pay quarter

In this organisation, women occupy 54.2% of the highest paid jobs and 50% of the lowest paid jobs.
Top quarter (highest paid)
54.2% of the top quarter are women
45.8% of the top quarter are men
Upper middle quarter
56.5% of the upper middle quarter are women
43.5% of the upper middle quarter are men
Lower middle quarter
50% of the lower middle quarter are women
50% of the lower middle quarter are men
Lower quarter (lowest paid)
50% of the lower quarter are women
50% of the lower quarter are men

Bonus pay gap

Who received bonus pay

No bonuses were paid.

Additional comment (not part of report): The small gender gap shown arises entirely from the proportions of men and women in each quartile. There is no gap in payment for like-for-like work based on qualifications and experience. As our recruitment is not based in any way on male/female considerations, this apparent gap will change randomly (and possibly reverse) in future reporting. [This occurred as between 2018/19 and 2019/20 in relation to median pay].